Way of Religious Formation

  • The Aspiration

    This is the time when you are a candidate for the congregation, but still in your own family and current environment. The candidate contemplates her calling and the Congregation.

  • The Postulate

    It is a time of transition from the present life in the world to communal life in the Congregation, a time of getting to know God and oneself - while living in the community of sisters. In our Congregation, it lasts up to two years.

  • The Novitiate

    This is the basic and essential period of formation, and in our congregation it lasts two years. The novice - under the guidance of her master sister - devotes time to prayer, enriching her internal life and learning about the history and charism of the Congregation.

    The novitiate ends with the first vows: chastity, poverty and obedience. The first vows cap the initial stage of formation. This reaffirms the desire to be in the Congregation of Servants of Jesus and to choose the charism of hidden service.

  • The Juniorate

    This is the period of six-year to deepen relationship with God and the Congregation by living in different communities and undertaking apostolic work. It is a time to continue one's own formation and continuous education in various vocational fields.

    The juniorate ends with perpetual vows. Perpetual vows - this is a public "yes" said forever to God and the Congregation.

  • Permanent Formation

    It lasts throughout the entire life. It is giving ourselves to God in our Sisters’ community anew every day. It is constantly experiencing His love and responding to this love in the changing circumstances of life - with the unwavering conviction that I live for God forever.
