The Charism

The charism, or the unique gift of the Holy Spirit to serve the mission of the Church, was received by our Founder - Blessed Honorat Koźmiński. It was he - in the openness of his mind and heart, living in a specific historical and social context - who discerned the timeless mission of the Servants of Jesus in the Church.

The hidden lifestyle of consecrated people, little known before, became a hallmark of our spirituality and apostolate. Father Honorat was a uniquely charismatic person of his era, so he was able to combine the signs of the times with the timeless idea of hidden God. He also emphasized importance of service in our charism - which was marginalized and undervalued at the time - as a priority in following Christ. Ultimately, it was the charism of hidden service that became the identity of the Servants of Jesus.

The Phenomenon of Hidden Life

The phenomenon of hidden religious life is outdated for some, senseless for others, not entirely comprehensible to most, while for us, it is unique and beautiful. The hidden life devoted to God, in addition to the lack of external signs of consecration in our secular look, forms our way of following Jesus and affects our apostolate. With our calling unknown to the world, following the guidance of Blessed Honorat, we want - like Jesus in Nazareth - to fulfill the Father's redemptive mission.

The testimony of our life should be like a seed cast into the soil, to build the Kingdom of Christ in the world through things that are small and seemingly unimportant. The lack of external signs of consecration gives our apostolate a special character and enables us to reach many groups, even those who are reluctant toward the Church.

The idea of hidden life, taken by Bl. Honorat from the Gospel of Jesus' childhood, allows us to experience the redemptive dimension of everyday life in every ministry, at all times and in every place.

According to the founder, the Eucharist - the timeless presence of God hidden in the form of bread - is the prototype of our concealment. By the power of Jesus in the Eucharist, we want to expand God's Kingdom regardless of changing external conditions.


Service is the very core of the identity of the Servants of Jesus. Although in today's hedonistic world service is completely anachronistic and ignored, for us it has become the sure and only way to fulfill our Founder's charism.

The source of our service is the desire to imitate Christ, who by humility became the humble Servant of Yahweh. We follow in the footsteps of our Master, who through His service, from the Incarnation to the Cross and Resurrection, has redeemed every man. Following His example, we undertake all apostolic tasks with love and out of love.

The attitude of Mary, a humble Handmaiden, who with submission and trust opened her heart to God's plans and implemented them with generous love, is particularly close to our Congregation.